Administrators can import courses into SkyManager in XML format (courses cannot be imported from an excel file due to the hierarchical structuring of courses in SkyManager).
Importing a Course
To import a course, follow these steps:
- Click on Edit Syllabus from the home page of your site.
- Click on Import Course on the left side of the page.
- Browse your computer for the prepared XML file containing your course details and click the Upload button. Once uploaded, the course will be avaialble for use in your SkyManager site.
Formatting your Import File
The below template can be used as a guide to import your course into SkyManager by following these steps:
- Copy and paste the below text into Notepad or an XML editing program.
- Replace the items in red with the details of your course (you can have more than one task or lesson per course imported).
- Save the document with the extension ".xml" (e.g., "importfile.xml").
- Upload the file using the instructions above.
Abbreviated Course Title
Course Description
Task 1 Description
Lesson 1 Name Aircraft Name (e.g., C172) Lesson 1 Description Lesson 1 Environment (e.g., Day)
Lesson 1 Priority TRUE/FALSE
Section 1 Name Section 1 Description
Section 1 Task 1 Name
0"> Section 1 Task 1 Standard (e.g., evaluate)