Once you have entered your aircraft assets into SkyManager, you will need to enter each aircraft


  1. Adding Assets Data to SkyManager:

From the logged-in Home Screen click on “Online Schedule” on the top navigation bar:

You will then click on the aircraft that you wish to add Data to. Lets pick the DA-20 that is the first aircraft Listed:

Selecting this aircraft will bring up its monthly view, and below, its Maintenance module. The default values listed are 100 hr, 50 hr, Annual, ELT, Pitot/Static, and Transponder. But a user can add, delete, or modify any maintenace item. You may also use the Schedule Maintenance as an “alarm clock” but adding items like “FAA Re-registration” set to expire when you want to be notified.

Lets click on “edit” next to the 100 Hour listing, and add our data. Below we’ve added a brief description, and selected an expiration hour of 800 Hobbs. A user can select either Hobbs, Tach, or Date; or a combination of Hobbs or Tach with Date. Finally, we checked the box making this item required for Dispatching the aircraft.

Select “Save Item” or “Remove Item” if you do not want this to be tracked. Now lets add an item. Select “add” at the bottom of the maintenance item listing, and this menu will appear. We’ve added here an Air Worthiness Directive:

Returning to the Maintenance Module we see our changes to both the 100 hour and the added A.D. There is no limit to the amount of maintenance items you can enter.

Entering an aircrafts’ Hobbs and Tach data for the first time:

The Tach, Hobbs, and TTAF are recorded at the top of the module above. In order for SkyManager to track these, they too must be entered. It is critical that they be entered correctly the first time to ensure data integrity and accuracy. The easiest way to do this is to back up the schedule a day, or even a week before your first “start” day of use, and enter a dummy flight for each aircraft.

For example: You have a C-172 with a Hobbs of 205 and a Tach of 230. Your start date is July 1, 2015. Back up to any day in June, 2015 and schedule a flight for any random time. Check the flight out, override dispatch if necessary, and check it back in. The following screen will appear:

Normally the “Hobbs Out” data field would be filled with the aircrafts’ last reported Hobbs. But since this is the first flight SkyManager is recording, it needs to be recorded. Enter your data, and click “Complete Check In”. In our case of the C172 above we will roll back the Hobbs number to get a “Hobbs Out” number lower than the current reading. Since we need Hobbs to read 205 on check in, lets enter 204 out, and 205 back in. Then enter 230 for Tach.

All fields are mandatory, but you can enter “0” if need be. SkyManager Support can add, or remove these required check in fields.

Important Note: Do NOT remove these dummy data entry flights from your SkyManager flight. Anytime a completed flight is removed, SkyManager erases the flight data! You will now be missing Hobbs and Tach data. Please consult SkyManager support if you have any questions.