To dispatch any scheduled flight, simply hover your mouse over the flight, and right click. Select “Check Out” from the pop-up menu as shown below:
The following dispatch screen will appear. It will state “Dispatch Failed” or “Dispatch Successful”. Lets review:
There are three main sections that SkyManager checks in order to dispatch a flight (This example shows “Sm Support”, or SkyManager support, as the logged-in user):
SkyManager checks any and all criteria that your organization uses here to determine if the Pilot can be dispatched on this flight. This list can be modified to include or exclude any number of criteria
SkyManager will perform similar checks on any Instructor listed for the flight. *Note: If either the Pilot, or Instructor pass, but the other fails, SkyManager considers the passing person to be Pilot in Command (PIC) and dispatch will be successful at this stage!
SkyManager will also perform an aircraft check at this moment. The checks here are also configurable for maintenance discrepancies, Airworthiness Directives, 50 Hour, 100 Hour, and more.
Overiding a Failed Dispatch
On the upper left hand corner of the screen, a button “Override Checkout” appears. This button allows an Administrator, Dispatcher, or other user with Admin rights in the system to go ahead and dispatch the flight. An example of this is when a maintenance discrepancy has been resolved, but wasn’t entered yet into SkyManager.
If a Dispatch Override is selected, you will see the following message at the top of your screen:
Returning to the Online Schedule, you will now see that the scheduled flight has changed color (your organization will choose its color scheme) to show the flight in dispatched status.
Printing a Dispatch Ticket:
SkyManager allows the printing of a Dispatch Ticket, formatted for a knee board, to be printed that includes all flight data, current METAR, optional syllabus info, and more. Hover your mouse over the dispatched flight, and right click to bring up the PRINT option:
When prompt appears, open the ticket PDF:
The dispatch ticket will appear for printing. Below is a sample copy. Any Syllabus information would appear on the right side, in the additional white space.
The student and/or instructor can now walk out to the aircraft, and proceed with the flight.