The home page of your organizations’ SkyManager system is where you will navigate to and from each part of the software. Let’s go over what you see the first time you login. Below is a typical, customizable Home Screen:
1. Left side of the Home Page: (blue column)
Here you will see the Greeting followed by your User Name. In the example below, it is the Support Account of SkyManager that is logged in.
After signing in, you will be greeted with your User Name. In this case, SkyManager Support is logged in.
Links are given to change your personal data, and to view your flight records:
If your organization uses SkyManager for accounting purposes, or you synchronize records with QuickBooks™, your Account Balance will appear
2. Center White Space of Home Page:
This space will be customized based on your organizations’ desired content. Most commonly found here are NOTAM’s, METAR data, Active Reservations, News, Annoucements, and Updates.
3. Right side of Home Screen:
The right side of the home screen use is controlled by security permissions. If you have permission (user rights) as assigned by your administrator, then you can report Aircraft discrepancies, use the Message Board, or the Administrative Tools. Note: by default, any user can use the “Report Discrepancy” feature. If some or all of these features do not appear, then you have not been granted the privileges to use those features.
4. Top Bar of the Home Screen:
These buttons take you directly to the 6 most commonly used sections of SkyManager, starting with the Schedule. Also, your login User Name and Log Out links appear on the far right.
Below is a brief definition, however each of these areas will be covered in further detail elsewhere.
ONLINE SCHEDULE Where you will see the daily, weekly, or monthly schedule of all aircraft and staff.
ROSTER All registered users on your SkyManager site, tagged by status.
ACCOUNT STATEMENT Set up like a running check register for your to keep track of your charges/credits.
FLIGHT LOG A digital copy set up just like a paper logbook.
LESSON LOG Works with your organizations’ flight syllabus, if any.
WORKFLOW Items here appear/erase automatically by user based on items needing attention
elsewhere in the SkyManager system.